¡Sé un San Valentín verbal!

Con más de 6.000 idiomas vivos en el mundo, el idioma del amor parece no tener límites. Este Día de los Enamorados, cuéntale a tu pareja, media naranja o familiar cómo te sientes de verdad con una de las siguientes frases. Desde un par de palabras hasta una larga oración, existen infinitas formas de mostrarle a alguien que te importa en este día especial y todos los demás días del año.

Grandes sentimientos como el  amor y la pasión son maravillosos y llenan nuestros corazones.  Exprésalos a través de las palabras correctas para que tu pareja pueda saber cuán grandes son tus emociones por ellos.

Si quieres expresar tus sentimientos, ¡no siempre necesitas muchas palabras! Pero necesitas encontrar las correctas.

A un novio, novia y/o amor romántico:
  1. I’m yours.
  2. I love you.
  3. I need you.
  4. I adore you.
  5. I cherish you.
  6. I love you too.
  7. I love so much.
  8. I cherish you.
  9. I’m fond of you.
  10. You’re my angel.
  11. You lift me up.
  12. I love you a lot.
  13. I care about you.
  14. You complete me.
  15. You fill my heart.
  16. You rock my world.
  17. I’m mad about you.
  18. You are my heart.
  19. I love you forever.
  20. You stole my heart.
  21. You’re my sunshine.
  22. I’m nuts about you.
  23. You rock my world.
  24. I’ve fallen for you.
  25. I’m crazy about you.
  26. You are all I want.
  27. I’m lost without you.
  28. I’m in love with you.
  29. You’re my everything.
  30. You are my sunshine.
  31. You’re the one for me.
  32. You light up my life.
  33. I will always love you.
  34. You’re my one and only.
  35. You mean so much to me.
  36. You are my everything.
  37. I need you by my side.
  38. I have feelings for you.
  39. I’ve got a crush on you.
  40. I’m nothing without you.
  41. You cast a spell on me.
  42. My heart longs for you.
  43. To me, you are perfect.
  44. I can’t live without you.
  45. It’s so easy to love you.
  46. You give me wings to fly.
  47. I love you more each day.
  48. You mean the world to me.
  49. You are my one and only.
  50. My heart is yours forever.
  51. My heart is where you are.
  52. You are my one true love.
  53. You are my perfect match.
  54. You mean the world to me.
  55. You’re the love of my life.
  56. I love you unconditionally.
  57. You are a dream come true.
  58. My heart is in your hands.
  59. You’re the light of my life.
  60. I’m head over heels for you.
  61. You are and the one for me.
  62. You are the yin to my yang.
  63. I want a lifetime with you.
  64. I am better because of you.
  65. I’m falling in love with you
  66. I love you with all my heart.
  67. You are the apple of my eye.
  68. I love you more than anything.
  69. You make my heart skip a beat.
  70. You are my life and my world.
  71. You are my reason for living.
  72. You are the light of my life.
  73. You hold the key to my heart.
  74. How could I live without you?
  75. My life began the day we met.
  76. You make my heart skip a beat.
  77. I love you to the moon and back
  78. I love you more than life itself.
  79. I want to spend my life with you.
  80. I cannot stop thinking about you.
  81. In you, I have found my soulmate.
  82. I love you more than I love myself.
  83. I never knew love until I met you.
  84. I’m so lucky to have you by my side.
  85. I’m head over heels in love with you.
  86. I love you more than any word can say.
  87. I love you from the bottom of my soul.
  88. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
  89. You are the one I’ve always wished for.
  90. What would I be without you in my life.
  91. I cannot imagine life without you in it.
  92. I cherish the day you walked into my life.
  93. My love for you is unconditional and eternal.
  94. All of the good in my life is because of you.
  95. My love for you is unconditional and eternal.
  96. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  97. My love for you grows stronger with each moment.
  98. My soul is complete now that you are by my side.
  99. Words cannot express the deep love I feel for you.
  100. My life changed forever when you became part of it.
  101. I would give up everything else just to be with you.
  102. I love you more than coffee, and that’s saying a lot.
  103. I have been searching for you since the beginning of time.
  104. There isn’t a word in the dictionary for how much I love you.
  105. My only regret is that we did not meet even sooner so we’d have more time together.
Encuentra las palabras correctas

Encuentra las palabras adecuadas cuando se trata de sorprender a la persona que te importa.

Escribe una tarjeta de felicitación

Si no te atreves a  decir las palabras, escribe una hermosa tarjeta de felicitación donde puedas expresar tus sentimientos con las mejores palabras por escrito. Las palabras escritas en la tarjeta muestran lo importante que es esta persona para ti.

Por supuesto, las flores y los chocolates siempre son apropiados como muestra de amor o cariño. Pero una tarjeta de regalo personalizada demuestra que sabes qué palabras necesitas decir para hacerte sentir querido.

Toca a aquellos con una carta de amor

Una carta de amor también es buena cuando quieres expresar tus sentimientos. Encuentra las palabras que vienen de tu corazón que pueden tocar el alma y mostrar que el tesoro es lo mejor que te ha pasado en la vida y que tu amor es ilimitado y lo abarca todo.

  1. “And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again.” – John Mark Green
  2. “You are today and all of my tomorrows.” – Leo Christopher
  3. “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” – Virginia Woolf
  4. “They slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  5. “My heart is, and always will be, yours.” – Jane Austen
  6. “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Bronte
  7. “I exist in two places, here and where you are.” – Margaret Atwood
  8. “We were together. I forgot the rest.” – Walt Whitman
  9. “So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” – Paulo Coehlo
  10. “You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It’s not overrated. There’s a reason for all those songs.” – Sarah Dessen
No hay saludos equivocados

Aprovecha la oportunidad para expresar afecto, amor, ya que en el ajetreo de la vida cotidiana a menudo esto cae en el olvido. Ya sea que hayan estado juntos por siempre o sean recientemente enamorados, expresa tus sentimientos.

Es imposible cometer errores con los deseos en el Día de San Valentín, después de todo, se trata de hacer felices a los demás. Se puede enviar un simple saludo a amigos, familiares y colegas. No existe el saludo correcto o el incorrecto. Pero las palabras correctas también son importantes aquí.

A un amigo(a), familiar o amor platónico:
  1. I love you guys!
  2. I love you as a friend!
  3. I love your company!
  4. You’re my best friend!
  5. You put a smile on my face!
  6. I love you; you’re the best!
  7. Thanks for being my best friend!
  8. You always make my day brighter!
  9. You are one of my dearest friends!
  10. I’m so grateful to have you as a friend!
  11. I love you, mum/dad/grandma/grandpa!
  12. You’re my favorite human on this planet!
  13. Ain’t nothing better than a bestie like you!
  14. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend/mum/dad!
  15. You’re the best mum/dad/brother/friend in the world!
  16. Thanks for being the best mum/dad/brother/sister!

Que el idioma no sea una barrera para vivir el amor de tu vida.

Encuentra las palabras más hermosas para expresar tus sentimientos y no olvides relacionar las palabras con acciones.

¡Construye tus puentes de amor!


Fuentes utilizadas:

120+ creative ways to say “I love you” & wow with romance. ProFlowers Blog. (2021, August 3). Retrieved February 8, 2023, from https://www.proflowers.com/blog/ways-to-say-i-love-you

183 creative ways to say I love you in English. Berlitz. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2023, from https://www.berlitz.com/blog/ways-to-say-i-love-you-english

Augsburger-Allgemeine. (2023, February 10). Wie gratuliert man am valentinstag? Augsburger Allgemeine. Retrieved February 11, 2023, from https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/panorama/valentinstag-wie-gratuliert-man-am-valentinstag-id65460156.html

Fresh, F. T. D. (2021, March 25). 70 love words and messages to show you care. FTD.com. Retrieved February 8, 2023, from https://www.ftd.com/blog/celebrate/love-words

Klingschat, K. (2023, January 21). Warum feiern Wir Valentinstag? Bedeutung & Ursprung des tags der liebe. stuttgarter. Retrieved February 11, 2023, from https://www.stuttgarter-nachrichten.de/inhalt.warum-feiern-wir-valentinstag-bedeutung-mhsd.d9717965-fe72-4ed6-82e5-8cc9f64f7745.html 

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