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A space dedicated to the courageous act of
speaking a foreign language. Read, listen and
join us in bridging the language gap.

Welcome to
our Blog

A space dedicated to the courageous act of
speaking a foreign language. Read, listen and
join us in bridging the language gap.


Intermediate Plateau: Reasons and How to Overcome it

By |February 11th, 2023|Categories: Courageous Language Journey|Tags: , |

Learning plateaus occur during learning, and learning progress stagnates at times. The learning progress does not increase and is almost at the same level for a certain time. Learning plateaus occur when we learn something new: how to play a musical instrument, ski, or learn a language.  Learning plateaus usually

German Business Culture

By |January 24th, 2023|Categories: Career|Tags: |

Germany is one of the top business travel destinations in Europe. With international openness, the country promises good business prospects. What is essential to know if you plan to work in Germany or establish business relationships with German companies? What do you have to consider in the German business culture

Difference between Austrian German and Standard German

By |January 10th, 2023|Categories: Culture|Tags: , , |

The official language in Austria is German. It is also referred to as Austrian German, Austrian High German, and Austrian Standard German. In short, they call it Austrian. Today we are going to talk about the differences between Austrian German and Standard  German. 9.5 million people speak  Austrian German in


Intermediate Plateau: Reasons and How to Overcome it

By |February 11th, 2023|Categories: Courageous Language Journey|Tags: , |

Learning plateaus occur during learning, and learning progress stagnates at times. The learning progress does not increase and is almost at the same level for a certain time. Learning plateaus occur when we learn something new: how to play a musical instrument, ski, or learn a language.  Learning plateaus usually

German Business Culture

By |January 24th, 2023|Categories: Career|Tags: |

Germany is one of the top business travel destinations in Europe. With international openness, the country promises good business prospects. What is essential to know if you plan to work in Germany or establish business relationships with German companies? What do you have to consider in the German business culture

Difference between Austrian German and Standard German

By |January 10th, 2023|Categories: Culture|Tags: , , |

The official language in Austria is German. It is also referred to as Austrian German, Austrian High German, and Austrian Standard German. In short, they call it Austrian. Today we are going to talk about the differences between Austrian German and Standard  German. 9.5 million people speak  Austrian German in

Verbal Bridges is launching soon!

Until then …

Start your courageous language journey with free resources and learning tips like “The 7 Step Guide to Learning a Language” that you will receive right away.


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